Exhibition from 10 December till 29 January 2023
Open Tuesday to Sunday 2.00pm to 6.00pm - free entrance
Espace Apollonia, 23 rue Boecklin 67000 STRASBOURG
Exposition du 10 décembre au 29 janvier 2023
Ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 14h à 18h - entrée libre
Espace Apollonia, 23 rue Boecklin 67000 STRASBOURG
You can tell Shalva's photographs from their writing. They are black and white like light and shadow,
but the color black prevails in its endless shades. Sometimes irises turn silver and rays pierce or half-
hide landscapes and bodies. Nothing is stable and solid. Everything is fragmentary and fluid. Urban
landscapes are disassembled like images seen through a kaleidoscope. Buildings are being
deconstructed. They are photographs that dilate the locus and record time and movement of a
continuous journey. Constantly moving from one city to another and from one street to another,
from East to West and vice versa, people perform actively in these images, but they are not seen.
Their gazes briefly meet and scatter again in the big kaleidoscope. People exist behind the
architectural designs. They built great monuments, left ruins, wrote chapters in history and now
continue the journey. The end of each photo section calls for a pause in the movement which
corresponds to a stop at the Caravansaraï, the fixed idea that hovers over Shalva's work. These
pauses are stations of rest, contemplation, but also communication and evaluation. In the
Caravansaraï the nomads exchange their findings and their stories of the routes that intertwine like
the branches of a great tree. Until the new route in doom and glory begins, the next chapter in this
travel in progress.
Maria Tsantsanoglou
Director of MOMus - Museum of Modern Art, Thessaloniki
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